Blog Home Renovation Mid Century Modern Homes Reduce Glare Residential Window Film

Revamp Your Home with Mid Century Modern Window Film: A Guide to Reducing Glare and Elevating Style

Mid century modern homes are beloved for their clean lines, open spaces, and integration of environments. These homes often feature large windows that allow natural light to flood the interiors, creating bright and welcoming spaces. However, this abundance of sunlight can also lead to unwanted glare and heat buildup. Enter mid century modern window film—a […]

Blog Mid Century Modern Homes Residential Window Film

More To Know About Midcentury Modern Window Tinting

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, “windows are responsible for 25%–30% of residential heating and cooling energy use.” Untreated windows allow heat loss during the winter and heat gain during the summer, which in turn causes your HVAC system to work harder.

Blog Eichler Homes Mid Century Modern Homes Reduce Glare Residential Window Film

Decreasing Glare in Your Eichler or Mid Century Modern Home

An Eichler Home, a gorgeous modern construct that utilizes floor-to-ceiling windows and widely spaced, open atrium living. However, decreasing glare in an Eichler or mid-centruty home can be an issue for homeowners. Eichler homes can be an absolutely wonderful take on a modern house layout, freeing a lot of space and allowing for a less-restricted […]